Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Plywood sailing scow plans

 II, 30' LOD, 27' LWL Sailing Scow ~ Small Boat Designs by Tad Roberts

II, 30' LOD, 27' LWL Sailing Scow ~ Small Boat Designs by Tad Roberts

 II, 30' LOD, 27' LWL Sailing Scow ~ Small Boat Designs by Tad Roberts

II, 30' LOD, 27' LWL Sailing Scow ~ Small Boat Designs by Tad Roberts


 Build a 16 Foot Scow Boat Plans - How to Build PlansHow to Build Plans

Build a 16 Foot Scow Boat Plans - How to Build PlansHow to Build


Photos are illustrative Plywood sailing scow plans

St michaels sailing scow - the cheap pages, The bay's oddest one-design by craig o'donnell. this boat is 12 feet long, and it caught my eye the first time i saw it in the small craft building at cbmm..
Polysail international, Tiny bear: a jr. moth class sailboat . tiny bear is a 10' plywood scow designed by j. julius fanta that weighs in at only 70 lbs. primarily intended for youngsters.
Descscow33 - parker marine, L.o.d: 32' l.w.l: 28' l.o.a: 33'6" l.ext. 43'2" beam: 11'9" draft: 2'3.5" board up 6'6.5" board down: sail area: n.a. * displacement: n.a. * ballast: n.a. * rig: gaff.

Scow - virgin media, The scow sailing: the scow rigged: the bare hull: the scow perched on top of my tiny daewoo matiz, just to prove it can be done: sail plan: profile and plan drawing.
Scow - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Sailing scows. sailing scows have significant advantages over the traditional deep keel sailing vessels that were common at the time the sailing scow was popular..
Links:free-boat-plans [tdem], Here are links to all the free boat plans i could find on the internet. also be sure to check out my one sheet boat links as most of them are free plans..

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